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  • USCM | ultra-sud-canigou-montagne

    CLASSEMENT SOLO 2022 13 Juillet 2024 CLASSEMENT RELAIS 2022 PROGRAMME CLASSEMENT SOLO 2023 LIVE COURSE NATURE & DISCOVERY At the service of TRAIL The course Registrations The massive OUR EVENT Our Commitment for all runners is to offer a superb course. In the heart of the Canigo Massif, natural setting of the Catalan Pyrenees. With our experience , we invite you to join us to discover a unique route. In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Pleasure is the keystone of your PERFORMANCE! THE RACE PROGRAM REFUELING BREAFING SECURITY REPATRIATION and WITHDRAWAL Prepare You Running the Canigou Course recognition - Stays Weekend Day and 1/2 day detail Details Stays Check out the Preparation Offers! PRACTICAL INFORMATION Come to our home Bibs withdrawal Accommodation See the runners Meeting on an exceptional site Great Site of France Figures that speak: 1 Massif crossed by the GR10, many other trails 1 Altitudinal amplitude ranging from 200 m to almost 2784m 1 Massif without road crossing 14 mountain municipalities in Vallespir 1 department of the Pyrénées Orientales 1 industrial heritage (iron mines) 1 thermal water: Amélie les Bains, Prats de Mollo la Preste 1 diversified agriculture 1 wild and unspoiled high mountain 1 dynamic pastoralism, biodiversity of national interest ... 1 valley and institutions Nous contacter Merci pour votre envoi ! Envoyer CONTACT A question ? Need specific information? Send us your message. In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Phone: +33 613 590 76 To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key.

  • USCM | ultra-sud-canigou-montagne

    HOME TEST PREPARATION PRACTICAL INFORMATION THE TERRITORY CONTACT Runners program Test Refueling Breafing Security Program Repatriation and withdrawal Définitif ​ ​ Vendredi 12 Juillet au Centre des Sports Sud Canigo, Arles Sur Tech : - 14h00: Début du retrait des dossards - 18h00: Breafing Course + Présentation parcours - 19h20: Fin du retrait des dossards Samedi 13 Juillet: 5h30 Départ de la Navette d'Arles sur Tech depuis le Centre des Sports Sud Canigo, Arles Sur Tech ​ 7h00 Départ du 70km SOLO et RELAIS à 2 et à 4 à Prats de Mollo ​ 14h00 Arrivée des premiers coureurs Au Centre des Sports Sud Canigo, Arles Sur Tech ​ 20h30 Podiums & Remise des Prix ​ Dimanche 14 Juillet Centre des Sports Sud Canigo, Arles Sur Tech 00h00 Accueil des derniers coureurs dans les délais. To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key.

  • USCM | ultra-sud-canigou-montagne

    HOME TEST PREPARATION PRACTICAL INFORMATION THE TERRITORY CONTACT Technical sheet To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key. Liste inscrits

  • USCM | ultra-sud-canigou-montagne

    HOME TEST PREPARATION PRACTICAL INFORMATION THE TERRITORY CONTACT Repatriation and withdrawal routes Test Refueling Breafing Security Program Repatriation and withdrawal REPATRIATIONS ON ABANDONMENT In case of abandonment, the organization provides you with a shuttle service. These shuttles are available at the following points. Access to these shuttles sometimes requires an approach walk. The wait can sometimes last up to 2 hours (one rotation time). These shuttles take you on arrival in Arles sur Tech. - Ravito 1: - Ravito 2: - Ravito 3: - Ravito 4: - Ravito 5: In addition to this, you need to know more about it. In addition to this, you need to know more about it. REPATRIATIONS DUE TO INJURY You will be taken care of by the race medical service, which will guide the choice of the repatriation method according to the severity and urgency of the injury. In addition to this, you need to know more about it. FILL OPTIONS In addition to this, you need to know more about it. The Massif du Sud Canigou has many trails to reach the various refuges. These options can be partially or fully activated as needed. Our wish is to offer a maximum of possibilities to the participants to complete the Ultra Sud Canigou Montagne in safety. In addition to this, you need to know more about it. A first system of options makes it possible to bypass in the event of a thunderstorm, all the trails being at an altitude ridge, while maintaining the position of the current supplies. In addition to this, you need to know more about it. A second system of options makes it possible to take secure forest paths in the event of even more marked natural phenomena with a different positioning of certain supplies. In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Fold 1 = Fold 2 = Fold 3 = To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key.

  • USCM | ultra-sud-canigou-montagne

    HOME TEST PREPARATION PRACTICAL INFORMATION THE TERRITORY CONTACT Refueling Breafing Security Program Repatriation and withdrawal Epreuves RELAIS Epreuve 70km 172K 9600mD + DISCOVER THE WILD AND LITTLE TRAILS, IN SOLO, OF THE SOUTH CANIGOU / VALLESPIR MASSIF This ultra mountain will allow the discovery of a large part of the massif and its famous high altitude peaks! A course for adventurous trail runners, to test themselves perhaps more than a day out. Inscription Technical sheet REGLEMENT Refreshments: 20 See the details of the supplies Best time: None Maximum time: 50h00 Departure: Friday May 15, 2022 at 10 p.m. from the Center Pleine Nature d'Arles sur Tech Arrival: before Sunday 18 May 00h Center Pleine Nature d'Arles sur Tech Price: 150 euros until April 15, 2022 (165 euros from March 1, 2022) Tableau à consulter: Course Profile To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key.

  • USCM | ultra-sud-canigou-montagne

    HOME TEST PREPARATION PRACTICAL INFORMATION THE TERRITORY CONTACT Refueling Test Refueling Breafing Security Program Repatriation and withdrawal To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key.

  • Class | 167km

    HOME TEST PREPARATION PRACTICAL INFORMATION THE TERRITORY CONTACT Runners program Test Cliquez sur le point de contrôle Amélie le Bains 14,5Km Amélie le Bains 14,5Km Amélie le Bains 14,5Km Amélie le Bains 14,5Km Amélie le Bains 14,5Km Amélie le Bains 14,5Km Amélie le Bains 14,5Km To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key.

  • USCM | ultra-sud-canigou-montagne

    HOME TEST PREPARATION PRACTICAL INFORMATION THE TERRITORY CONTACT See the runners Come to our house Withdrawal of Bibs Accommodation ACCOMMODATIONS TOUS LES HEBERGEMENTS CAMPING, HÔTEL, GÎTE, REFUGE... cliquez et vous saurez où dormir ! To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key.

  • USCM | ultra-sud-canigou-montagne

    HOME TEST PREPARATION PRACTICAL INFORMATION THE TERRITORY CONTACT SHELTERS TO SEE South Canigo Canigo massif Refuges Sud Canigo Site Web Site Web Site Web To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key.

  • USCM | ultra-sud-canigou-montagne

    HOME TEST PREPARATION PRACTICAL INFORMATION THE TERRITORY CONTACT Prepare your race Come on our trails in preparation Find all the traces of mountain routes to go with us To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key.

  • USCM | ultra-sud-canigou-montagne

    HOME TEST PREPARATION PRACTICAL INFORMATION THE TERRITORY CONTACT South Canigo Canigo massif CANIGO LARGE SITE Refuges Sud Canigo LIRE Le Canigó se situe au sud de la France, sur l'axe du méridien de Paris, au cœur du triangle métropolitain Toulouse-Montpellier-Barcelone de l'Euro-région Pyrénées Méditerranée. Ce massif montagnard de l'extrémité orientale de la chaîne des Pyrénées, dans le département des Pyrénées-Orientales et la Région Occitanie, domine les plaines du Roussillon et de l'Empordà (province de Girona en Catalogne) et culmine à 2784 m d'altitude. Visible depuis le littoral méditerranéen, sa situation en premier plan et sa proximité avec la mer lui confèrent une position remarquable et remarquée. To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key.

  • USCM | ultra-sud-canigou-montagne

    HOME TEST PREPARATION PRACTICAL INFORMATION THE TERRITORY CONTACT See the runners Come to our house Withdrawal of Bibs Accommodation WITHDRAWAL OF BIBS Le retrait des dossards pour toutes les courses ( 70km / 70km Relais): Le Vendredi de 14h00 à 20h00 Possibilité de retirer pour un ami avec la copie de sa carte d’identité. –> A Arles sur Tech, Centre Pleine Nature Sud Canigo Pas de contrôle des sacs et du matériel obligatoire cette année (les contrôles aurons lieu en course). Le reste des retraits des dossards pour le 70km : –> Si vous n'avez pas retiré votre dossard le Vendredi, une permanence sera en place: Le Samedi 13 Juillet à Prats de Mollo de à 6h00 durant 30 minutes Pas de contrôle des sacs et du matériel obligatoire cette année (les contrôles aurons lieu en course). Ultra Sud Canigou Montagne 2022 To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key.

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